Expert Teaching


At Applecross Primary School we have a whole school approach to the delivery of the Curriculum.   This is achieved using documentation provided by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), which is responsible for Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum, assessment, standards and reporting in all Western Australian schools.  The Authority’s materials and resources support our teachers in their work by setting the mandated curriculum, guiding principles for teaching, learning and assessment, and support for teachers in their assessment and reporting of student achievement.

In addition, we have developed our own Scope and Sequence to support us with a whole school approach to implementing the Western Australian Curriculum.  To enhance the effectiveness of our curriculum delivery we believe a common pedagogical approach to be the most effective when providing our students with relevant, meaningful and engaging experiences.  Visitors to our school will see children interacting and supporting each other in an inquiry approach to learning that is reinforced by the teaching of explicit skills and knowledge.

Evidence-based methodology provides targeted continuity within and across year levels resulting in a consistent practice throughout the school.  Ongoing analysis of student performance drives early intervention and resource allocation based on student need.  Data platforms identify gaps in student learning, enabling teachers to set daily reviews that cater to a diverse range of learners within the classroom.

At Applecross Primary School education programs are designed to teach for impact by meeting the needs of our students. Whole-school approaches to pedagogy and program delivery are at the forefront of our planning.  Experiences are provided for children to develop skills for life including resilience, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills.  We aim to plan and deliver an integrated curriculum encouraging critical thinking and independent learning with lessons that are engaging and effective.

Foundations to Literacy and Numeracy are set across Years K-2 including the development of oral language and cooperative skills which has emerged as a result of staff working together to present learning experiences that are suited to Applecross children.  Students moving into the Year 3 to 6 environment carry with them an expectation that they will be presented with the opportunity to use their skills to investigate, learn and discover new information specific to the curriculum areas of Numeracy, Literacy, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS).