The Western Australian Curriculum Technologies describes two distinct but related subjects:
Design and Technologies
In Design and Technologies, students learn about technologies in society through different technologies contexts (Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations) as they create designed solutions.
Digital Technologies
In Digital Technologies students are provided with practical opportunities to use design thinking and to be innovative developers of digital solutions and knowledge. Digital Technologies is a subject that has a specific curriculum and includes the practical application of the ICT general capability.
We believe that effective use of digital technologies increases academic engagement as well as equipping students with a variety of necessary 21st century skills we call The Four Cs (collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication). These skills are core competencies for future citizens.
Coding across the curriculum at Applecross Primary is designed to support the introduction of computer coding throughout the school. Importantly, this approach develops algorithmic thinking in Technologies and other key learning areas – including Mathematics and Science.
BYOD at Applecross Primary School
Only available to students in Years 4, 5 and 6
Applecross Primary School provides the best learning opportunities possible for students. We acknowledge that we are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented. The long-term goal at Applecross Primary School is for the continual and consistent integration of digital technologies to support learning within every classroom - the implementation of a BYOD program will enable this to happen. The objective of the BYOD program is to future-proof our students in a safe environment that fosters creativity, learning and innovation. Students will learn to use computational thinking and information systems to define, design and implement solutions.
BYO iPad is consistent with our Business Plan; students are to be exposed to an enquiry based approach that encourages them to investigate, design, produce, evaluate and collaborate across curricula areas through the use of iPads. Critical to the success of our 1:1 Bring Your Own Device program is the pedagogy used to support an environment that accommodates diverse student needs. We acknowledge that the successful implementation of any technology program is reliant on quality professional learning linked to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. We will continue to ensure that by implementing BYOD iPads, we provide a strong focus on pedagogy first, and technology second.
For further information on the BYOD program please see the following links:
BYOD iPad Parent and Student Handbook
FAQ - Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at Applecross Primary School
BYOD at Applecross Primary School on YouTube
iPads are available from a wide variety of retailers. We have negotiated with Winthrop Australia to allow our families to purchase or lease a device. If you wish to investigate this option, please follow the link below to access the Winthrop Australia Portal for Applecross Primary School.